SSL Cert Expired

  • I have some admiration for your optimism and loyalty nascent, but surely you can agree that this is a problem that can't be overlooked and that a fix is urgently needed!

    I do agree, allowing the certificate to expire is a bad thing, since it erodes confidence in the product.

    The fact that the forum still has a valid certificate, while positive; doesn't actually guarantee a stable situation going forward and the lack of a response on this matter in particular, promotes an environment where speculation may become rife.

    What I find difficult to understand though is, there was a great deal of positive communication from the new owners (I don't know if there is actually a company name available) but that appears to have all but evaporated, which I personally find annoying so one can only hope they are working hard on an update at least and we will hear some news in the near future.

    Saying that though, I did see Rachael come online once not long ago, and while I said nothing to her via the forum; it did make me think that there may still be some liaison at least between the old and new owners, meaning that the legacy of Perch is still in good hands.

  • 2 Weeks is a long time not to have either renewed the certificate or ported the content to a 'secured' domain. The lack of communication is most distressing.

    Who is GAHN Capital and why did they even care to purchase Perch?

  • GoDaddy to the rescue!

    Remember that many big companies and popular sites have seen SSL certificates expire from time to time. Usually fixed quicker than 2 weeks, but I wouldn't call grabaperch a critical dependency like NASA or LinkedIn or the US government - all of which have had SSL expiry issues in the past affecting millions of people. :-)

  • GoDaddy to the rescue!

    Remember that many big companies and popular sites have seen SSL certificates expire from time to time. Usually fixed quicker than 2 weeks, but I wouldn't call grabaperch a critical dependency like NASA or LinkedIn or the US government - all of which have had SSL expiry issues in the past affecting millions of people. :-)

    It's pretty critical to the people whose livelihoods and businesses rely on it. It's understandable that things go wrong, the concern could easily have been assuaged by some response from the team. The fact that this didn't affect millions of people doesn't change that this was not a good episode for Perch.

  • It's pretty critical to the people whose livelihoods and businesses rely on it. It's understandable that things go wrong, the concern could easily have been assuaged by some response from the team. The fact that this didn't affect millions of people doesn't change that this was not a good episode for Perch.

    The forum doesn't need a response, if an action has already been taken.

    The 'team' aren't here at the end-users' behest.