Posts by raulserrano

    Hi, I have tried to contact to contact pre-sales questions and is giving me a returned email.

    "My site has stopped working.

    We are trying to log in and it’s printing a “your license is not correct” message.

    I have checked account orders and it looks like it has no make payment in november.
    In the same account when I try to buy a new suscription is telling me: "IntegrationError: stripe.redirectToCheckout: You must provide one of lineItems, items, or sessionId"

    I also have tried to create a new account and buy a new suscription and is not possible to do it.

    We need to solve this as Christmas is in less than a month and we don’t have access to the site.

    Thanks for your time"


    my client's site is giving us "Sorry, your license key isn't valid for this domain." error suddenly.


    - I have checked that PHP version is 8.0
    - I have installed the last Runaway core folder available.

    (Not able to access and share diagnosis info)


    When I enter Perch account:


    - "Subscriptions" page is empty:


    - "Orders" page has all past payments but not November


    - When I go to buy a new subscription is giving me an error after hitting pay button "IntegrationError: stripe.redirectToCheckout: You must provide one of lineItems, items, or sessionId."


    Any idea what's going on? Thanks

    Hi again,

    I just configured the search form to look into blog posts and it only is giving me back results from postTitle input.

    Does anyone knows how to make search results from other text and textarea?


    By the way, when I enter <perch:showall> it appears an excerpt field that's empty. How can I use that field?



    Actually, PHP is working on previous lines that are just PHP includes, but it crash on the first Perch PHP's

    1. <?php $string = perch_content('Telefono', true); $res = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/', '', $string); echo $res; ?>

    If I take out that line it crashes on the next Perch's PHP line of code...

    an old client ask me to replicate a site that was only in live version. When I replicate it on Mamp's localhost, the site did not process PHP.

    Cracking on the first PHP code it finds


    Perch debug is giving me this error in red:

    1. Array
    2. (
    3. [type] => 2
    4. [message] => include(): Failed opening '/Users/raulserrano/Sites/localhost/italiavacaciones/perch/core/runway/apps/apps.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php7.2.34/lib/php')
    5. [file] => /Users/raulserrano/Sites/localhost/italiavacaciones/perch/core/lib/PerchAdmin.class.php
    6. [line] => 100
    7. )

    Rest of debug:


    Any idea whats going on?


    one of my clients workers is trying to download Perch invoice in Orders's dashboard but it appears empty, in all Chrome-Edge-Firefox. Other workers have no problem.

    His system:
    - Window 10 (22H2)

    - Chrome Versión 107.0.5304.122

    - Firefox 107.0 (32-bit)

    - Edge 107.0.1418.56


    Hi, I am and old school perch user, and when I click buy a license it takes me to a Runaway suscription. Could anyone share with me any documentation or tip?


    Post template part:

    1. <perch:repeater id="images" label="Imagenes">
    2. <div class="grid-item">
    3. <img src='<perch:blog id="image2" quality="60" type="image" width="850" label="Imagen" />' alt='<perch:blog type="text" size="l" help="SEO para Google" label="Descripción de la imagen" />' />
    4. </div>
    5. </perch:repeater>
