Posts by caf210

    I'm using the perch blog add on, and when I go to upload an image file, it seems to create 4 sizes of images/thumbnails on the server:

    A file called 01.jpg creates the following files:

    1. /public_html/perch/resources/01-thumb@2x.jpg
    2. /public_html/perch/resources/01-w50h50.jpg
    3. /public_html/perch/resources/01-w320h240.jpg
    4. /public_html/perch/resources/01.jpg

    I would like to add another size there. I have tried this on a template that displays the blog to the front end:

    1. <perch:if exists="image">
    2. <img src="<perch:blog id="image" type="image" width="400" height="267" />" alt="<perch:blog id="postTitle" />" /></perch:if>

    But it's not working. I also am somewhat confused on whether this is even the right place since this is a "display" template. But this is all I seem to be able to find. I got the idea from this page:…mage-generate-many-sizes/

    And, I re-uploaded the images each time I tested by going into a post and adding a new image.

    I am noting that my tag is in the perch:blog world, whereas the example here is perch:content. Can you do this with blog posts?

    Let me know what I'm missing here.


    When setting up my live domain for a Perch license, should I include the "www" in front of

    If the domain at the host is configured to show the site either as as well as, is there one option for my live domain field in Perch Account settings that will cover both?