Posts by SimonClay

    Hi, I am finding that when I use

    1. <perch:content id="text" type="textarea" label="Text" html editor="redactor" imagewidth="686">

    Perch does not down-size and use the smaller image in the output. (I am uploading a wider image than the specified 686px).

    Is anyone else experiencing this?

    For my Post Page:

    For my 404 page:

    Currently in Runway, if a blog post is not found, the visitor sees a page with no content between the header and footer.

    We can use the <perch:noresults></perch:noresults> tags in perch/templates/blog/post.html to display a message like 'Sorry that item could not be found'.

    But really, the page should be re-directed to 404, don't you think?

    <?php perch_blog_post(perch_get('s')); ?> should do this by default in my opinion.

    This great post form the old forum by Shane Lenzen shows how we can set up a Collection called 301 Redirects. In this Collection you can set page redirections!…p-301-redirect-collection

    However, I find that the redirects only work on Pages, not when trying to redirect Blog items, or any other Collection item. I guess this is something to do with routing.

    Does anyone have any thoughts on how this could be overcome?

    Thanks marc There must be a way in the perch/addons/editors/config.js

    The code below in the file removes the Perch Assets plugin from redactor, I'm hoping someone can help with code to remove shortcodes in the same way.