Multiple Blogs Split By Section - Can They Share A Page?

  • no, the perch code specifically looks for categories under a set called : blog.

    Here is the code that does that:

    So if you pass 'category' to the options, it loops over each category and will prepend 'blog' to the passed category. so if you pass: 'awards' from the query string through the 'category' option, the perch code will transform that to: blog/awards. So that path needs to exist in your categories.

  • Yay! You rock JordinB! Thank you for your diligence. I didn't know the "blog" Category name was hard-coded in Perch. I had renamed it to "newsroom" a while ago. Good to know.

    So now I've got this:

    1. Categories - a Set added called "Blog" with the "blog" slug and added a 'test' tag.

    2. Changed the post.html call for the Categories to:

    1. <!-- CHOOSE A CATEGORY -->
    2. <perch:categories id="tags" label="Choose Category Tags" order="3" set="Blog" >
    3. <a href="/newsroom/category/<perch:category id="catPath" />" class="tag"><perch:category id="catTitle" /></a>
    4. </perch:categories>

    3. Opened a post, added the tag "test" to it.

    4. Tried

    Filter works :) Finally!

    One more question you might know - I'd like to now add a dynamic title for the tag. How do I display the name of the tag from the URL in the page?

  • Another question in displaying the Categories. In categories/category.html I have:

    1. <!-- Category Tag -->
    2. <perch:category id="catSlug" type="slug" for="catTitle" suppress="true" />
    3. <a href="/newsroom/category/<perch:category id="catPath" />" class="tag"><perch:category id="catTitle" type="smarttext" label="Title" required="true" /></a>

    But the link is using the real path to the Category, and not just the slug its using: instead of the re-mapped link. Thoughts on how to remove the /blog part of the link?

  • Quote

    i'd like to now add a dynamic title for the tag.

    If i'm understanding, you'd like to display the category name that matches the slug "tag" ?

    To do that you need to get the category from perch_category. Then either render a specific template or simply return the data and echo it in php.


    But the link is using the real path to the Category, and not just the slug its using: instead of the re-mapped link. Thoughts on how to remove the /blog part of the link?

    Don't use the 'catPath', rather use the 'catSlug' in the url. Don't forget that you can use <perch:showall> in a template to see all the variables and values available to you within the template.

  • Ok, "catSlug" did it for the busted link. Thanks for the show:all tip - I always forget that one.

    For the Category page - I just want to show the current Category the user is on. I see the options for perch_category, but my code isn't getting there. Is there a snippet to show the current Category 'catTitle'?

  • since you just have the slug, you'll need to build the category path, create simple template and do something like:

    template: category_title.html

    1. <perch:category id="catTitle" />

    which will simply just render the title... thats it.

    you render it with:

    1. perch_category('blog/' . $categorySlug, ['template'=> 'category_title.html']);

    Alternatively from your page (say it was in a h1 tag or something):

    1. echo "<h1>" . perch_category('blog/'.$categorySlug, ['skip-template'=>true], true)['catTitle'] . "</h1>";

    but not sure if perch_category is going to return a 1 item indexed array...probably, i can't remember ... so in that case it would be:

    1. echo "<h1>" . perch_category('blog/'.$categorySlug, ['skip-template'=>true], true)[0]['catTitle'] . "</h1>";

    Note the [0] to specify the first item returned.

  • Not sure what you mean. You have /blog in the code. Is that something I should change? I thought that's baked-in?

    1. <div class="header-text"><?php perch_category('blog/' . $categorySlug, ['template'=> 'category_title.html']); ?> Articles</div>

    Should say "Slug-Name Articles"

  • the /blog is baked in for the perch_blog functions not perch_category functions. does the value of $categorySlug match what you see in the cms for the category you're trying to pull ?

    Also what is your category_title.html look like ?

  • With debug on, I can see the template. I see the catSlug is correct, but that's not because of the line above. When I add it in, debug shows:

    1. SELECT setID FROM cms1_category_sets WHERE setSlug='' LIMIT 1
    2. [nil]SELECT main.* FROM cms1_categories main WHERE 1=1 AND (catPath='blog/') ORDER BY catTreePosition ASC
    3. Using template: /templates/categories/category_title.html
    4. [0]SELECT setID FROM cms1_category_sets WHERE setSlug='' LIMIT 1
    5. [nil]SELECT main.* FROM cms1_categories main WHERE 1=1 AND (catPath='/') ORDER BY catTreePosition ASC

    The categories do live in the /blog/ path, so why isn't it working? Should blog/ be switched to newsroom/category/ ?

    The category_title.html:

    1. <perch:category id="catTitle" />
  • From that sql it doest look like the concatenation of the category slug is working being passed to the perch_category function.

    to save some time guessing, can you please post your php file from the beginning up to that perch_category function call? If you don’t want to post it, you can email it to me:

    jbrown [at] cognetif dot com

  • hi JordinB (and maybe help from hus_hmd ) .....

    I have picked this issue back up again and I'm not seeing a solution. What confuses me is that the page already has Category filtering working just fine....

    So with that, shouldn't I be able to pull the name of the category it's displaying? I want to add it to the title of the page so it's clear what the user is filtering/viewing.

    1. <div class="header-text">NAME-OF-THE-CATEGORY-TITLE Articles</div>
  • What JordinB suggested sounds like it should work. From the debug message it shows you are not passing the category slug correctly. Make sure you assign a value to the variable $categorySlug before calling perch_category():

  • Success! That was the missing piece. Previous I had no results with....

    1. <?php perch_category('blog/' . $categorySlug, ['template'=> 'category_title.html']); ?>

    But when adding....

    1. $categorySlug = perch_get('categorySlug');

    It finally makes the connection....

    1. <?php $categorySlug = perch_get('categorySlug');perch_category('blog/' . $categorySlug, ['template'=> 'category_title.html']); ?>

    Thank you both JordinB and hus_hmd for all the help! I hope this last post helps someone make the same edit.