Posts by PaulQC


    I’ve taken over a site for an elderly club and the organiser would like the dates on the events page to show in order. The lasted event appears at the bottom of the list. Could you please advise how to amend the code so the latest event is at the top instead of at the bottom.

    The template to create the specific event is as shown below.






    <td class="posdate">

    <perch:content id="heading" type="date" label="Day Date Month" format="%d %B %Y" required="true" />


    <td class="spacer1">

    <perch:content id="activity" type="text" label="Activity" textile="true" editor="markitup" required="true" />


    <td class="spacer">

    <perch:content id="discription" type="textarea" label="Discription" editor="ckeditor" html="true" />







    The code on the page is as follows.


    <?php perch_content('Events'); ?>


    I woula appreciate any help you can give me to fix the problem.

    My thanks in advance,
