Can a Select region options be used in other instances?

  • Hi! Is there a way to use BOTH options in a select menu, where in the example below I can use the "Apple" option for one piece of content, but the "apple" content for another. I know the first variable is for the CMS editors, but can that data also be used?

    1. <perch:content id="fruits" type="select" label="Fruits" options="Big Apple|apple,Round Orange|orange,Green Pear|pear" >

    For context, I want to use the capitalized version of the word to display the title for the HTML for the end user. But I also want to use the lowercase version to add a class to the DIV the option is in. This way, the CMS editor doesn't have to choose 2 different select boxes for something very similar.

  • If you use Apple and Round Orange as the value, you can use the urlify attribute to output URL friendly versions apple and round-orange. Alternatively, you can use the format attribute to convert the text to all lowercase or all uppercase.

    And there's also the CSS route: