Shipping options not showing

  • Hey Guys,

    im struggling a little with the Perch-Shop-Shipping-Options.
    I've created a passwordless registration form for my cart checkout. That works pretty well so far. But when i get to my last checkout page including the summary, invoice & shipping addresses the shipping options are empty.

    On the registration everything in my Database is added correctly.
    A user is created in perch2_members.
    A user is created in perch2_shop_customers.
    Two addresses (default and shipping) are created for that user in perch2_shop_addresses.

    My general shop configuration should also be ok.
    The country is active in perch2_shop_countries.
    The country is linked to a zone in perch2_shop_shipping_zone_countries.
    The shipping zone is active in perch2_shop_shipping_zones.
    I got zone related shipping options in perch2_shop_shippings.

    But still the perch_shop_shipping_options() show an empty select box. (in default template)

    Any suggestions what i am missing?

    Thank in advance,