Bug rendering forms

  • Hi,

    In a form template used by perch_blog_post_comment_form(), the following HTML works:

    1. <perch:input type="hidden" id="postID" value="<perch:blog id="postID" />" />

    This results in the following rendered HTML.

    1. <input id="form1_postID" name="postID" value="123" type="hidden">

    However the following, where " is replaced by ' instead of having double quotes nested inside each other, does not work. The value attribute is stripped, and so the comment is not entered in the database.

    1. <perch:input type="hidden" id="postID" value='<perch:blog id="postID" />' />

    This results in the following HTML.

    1. <input id="form1_postID" name="postID" value="" type="hidden">

    Is this expected behaviour or a bug? I have happily nested double quotes inside single quotes when not using forms, and not had problems.