Posts by mactedder

    Is there a way I can add code to my Footer layout template which will allow me to add code if a region exists?


    If region 'Slideshow Banner' exists

    Show <Script>My Script</script> to run the banner

    This way my footer code will only contain the JAvascript that particular page requires.

    As part of my client's website Registeration Process they ask for details such as telephone, address etc etc. All of this information is captured in the Perch Members app. I want to disply some of this infomation on the users profile page. I can show the default ones like Firstname / Last Name etc but haw can I show the Member's Extra details? ie:

    I thought I would be able to get them based on the ID used in the member.html file: <perch:members type="text" id="membershipID" label="Membership ID" listing="true" order="3" />

    <?php perch_member_get('membershipID'); ?>

    Also I would like to show what the Member is'tagged' with ie: Member / Admin / Guest etc

    I can see the following in the Debug code:

    UPDATE perch3_members SET memberEmail='', memberStatus='active', memberCreated='2019-11-19', memberProperties='{\"first_name\":\"James\",\"last_name\":\"Smith\",\"membershipID\":\"007-1234567\",\"telephone\":\"123456789\",\"address\":\"8 Clarkson Avenue\"}' WHERE memberID='1'

    I htink I have a solution:

    My solution to this is to have the Registration Form post to both Perch Forms and Perch Members. This way the Perch Forms sent all the data to the Admin email with the image attached. IT was also a nice way for the Admin to receive an email with all the applicants details.

    I have read a few posts about the members app not allowing image uploads.

    I have got 95% though the build of my client's site to realise this is not possible with the Perch Members app ;(

    My website needs the user to upload a proof of ID when registering. Has anyone found any solutions to this.