Shop checkout addresses not set by default

  • Hi

    I am using Runway with Shop

    Currently I have the following checkout flow:

    New customer registers billing and shipping address and logs out.

    Customer logs in and adds to cart.

    Customer shown cart and then checks out.

    Customer shown static cart, radio buttons to select address for billing and shipping.

    Customer selects addresses and is then shown selected addresses.

    Customer pays.

    I am using.

    I would like to modify the behaviour of the checkout stage so that the customer is always shown the registered address for billing and shipping. I would then provide a link to 'Change' the addresses if required which takes them to a page with the perch_shop_order_address_form().

    This would remove a step to select addresses for most customers. How can the registered addresses be 'set' by default?


  • As far as I know Perch Shop doesn't let you set a default address for customers at the moment. So you'd need to set the address for each order.

    Perhaps you can set up a template for the order address form that has a hidden field with the address value and just displays a button (which can say "Next" or something like that). Visually to the user it would look like a button to go to the next step, but clicking it would also set the order address.

  • Hi hus_hmd

    Thanks for your reply.

    I have tried your suggestion, but I am running into difficulties.

    The issue is that if, for example, a customer has 3 addresses in the address book, which have not been set, the perch_shop_order_address_form( ) displays 6 instances of the addresses, 3 for billing, and 3 for shipping ready for the choice. This works but is a bit confusing, especially on a mobile device creating a lot of scrolling.

    Even if I hide the billing addresses and provide a 'Next' button, I cannot be certain that the default for billing would always be the same, as the customer can add addresses.

    In an ideal situation I would like to enable the customer to set a billing address in his address book which remains after logging out. Then just give options for delivery address during checkout.

    If this is not possible, can anyone offer suggestions about they are handling the choice of addresses in a customer friendly way?


  • Hi

    Having hidden the billing address from the template order_address_form.html

    I cannot make the default billing address to be always the correct address if another address has been added, as this may be the first in the list shown.

    How can I get the template to input a value for "billing" of ( addressID that has the addressSlug ID = default.)

    in place of:

    <perch:input type="radio" id="billing" value="<perch:address id="addressSlug"/>" />

    Any suggestions appreciated.
