Posts by granttransition

    Hi aulda,

    I believe the new pricing structure will be introduced on the 4th, hence why you may be seeing something different currently.

    Gareth S

    Whilst I appreciate there has been an attempt at fixing the Shop SCA issue. It does not work and isn't php 8 compatible, despite the claims. When are we likely to see the above fixed? Bearing in mind SCA deadline.

    P.s. When the SCA deadline passes and my customers quite rightly start complaining, where can I direct their complaints?

    • Perch version 3.2, blog and the other first party addons with PHP8 - I have raised this direct with the developers this morning, they have confirmed that it should be fully compliant with PHP 8, though obviously we'd always recommend making any changes on a test environment first.

    Regarding the above comment

    PHP: Mailchimp error
    1. : Uncaught Error: [] operator not supported for strings in ####/addons/apps/perch_mailchimp/dashboard.php:55 Stack trace: #0 ####/core/dashboard/modes/ {closure}(Object(PerchAuthenticatedUser)) #1 ####/core/dashboard/index.php(20): include('/Users/grant/Si...') #2 /Users/grant/.composer/vendor/laravel/valet/server.php(235): require('/Users/grant/Si...') #3 {main} thrown in
    2. ####/addons/apps/perch_mailchimp/dashboard.php
    3. on line
    4. 55

    Sorry if this has been mentioned already, I haven't been through all the posts.

    A native way to handle publishing would be great, so published, unplublished etc for all types of content including pages.

    I appreciate this can be coded in, but a native way of handling this would be nice.

    Actually I found a way, I used <perch:categories id="perch_categories" set="blog">. So id="perch_categories" instead of id="categories".

    Thanks all for the help. My final card template now looks like this…

    Oh really? Thats odd then, as the category stuff doesn't work in this template…

    When that is called via perch_blog_custom everything works as expected?

    Hi Byron Fitzgerald ,

    With some tweaks we have success! However, this does cause one further issue…

    Here is the current code

    Which now calls the content/home/_blog-card.html. Ideally I wanted to use the /blog/home/_blog-card.html template as it uses the category info to do other stuff.

    Here is that template…

    So whilst I can move this to content/home/… and change perch:blog to perch:content. The same is not true for the perch:categories

    Thanks ever so much for the help thus far…

    I now get a Template file not found: templates/home/_blog-card.html even though the template is defiantly in the right place.


    Debug also shows…

    1. Array
    2. (
    3. [type] => 8
    4. [message] => Trying to access array offset on value of type null
    5. [file] => /Users/grant/Sites/Development/180-Cargilfield-Perch-Updates/cms/templates/layouts/home-blog-grid.php
    6. [line] => 33
    7. )

    Which is…

    1. return strtotime($b[0]['postDateTime']) - strtotime($a[0]['postDateTime']);

    I really appreciate the help, but unfortunately this outputs the template, but the perch fields are empty.

    So there is no confusion, here is the current code…