Blog post routing broken on Runway - Urgent help please!

  • I've broken a client's runway blog by trying to hide the blog sub-pages (Post, Archive, RSS) from the clients page list - I figured adding the routes directly to the master pages would allow me to remove the subpages from the page listing but I mistakenly added the blog post routes (blog/[blogslug:s] & blog/[blogslug:s]/[preview:preview]) to the blog Index master page. Realising my mistake, I deleted the routes from the blog Index master page but now the routing is broken and all posts are returning 404s.

    The post can still be accessed via the querystring , i.e., but the clean url ( no longer works.

    Category, tag & archive listing routes are all working fine as I hadn't got round to messing these up!

    Runway 3.1.3, blog 5.6.1 - afraid to update Runway 'til I get this sorted!

    I tried deleting the blog post page from Runway and adding it again with the correct post routes, but it's still not working.

    Any suggestions would be much appreciated - thanks!

  • Thanks so much Hussein, changing the route slug instead of blogslug has fixed it!

    I tried adding the blogslug token to runway.php but it didn't work, although my local version is still working away happily using blogslug without the custom token being defined - Most confusing!! Thanks again.