Posts by jonathanhazelwood

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    This is the perfect addition to Perch, did this ever get developed?


    Yes, there is a working first version that we currently use on client websites. I want to add additional features to it like (spam prevention, Schema integration, automatic Google reviews added, etc). I lack most of the programming knowledge needed for the backend but can work on the front-end templates for things.

    If anyone would like to work on version 2 let me know, more than happy to keep adding features to it.

    It would be nice to create page layouts from within the Perch admin (maybe even have a code ide built-in). Within each page layout content editors could add additional regions to it, within each region you could select from an app list or the standard content templates.

    When consulted on e-commerce approaches on Perch project over the last 1-2 years, I always suggested Snipcart as an option. Besides the lower debt tech and the resources of those who consulted me, Snipcart's Stripe integration is up to date.

    Given Runway collections can be used to create the products, what would a Perch app provide in this case? Provide a way to add products via the API instead of just the HTML? Or are you thinking about listing/managing orders/inventory/etc on the Perch control panel?

    I would like to see all within the Perch admin and manage all (products, categories, orders, inventory, etc) from there would be fantastic.

    Just implemented Snip Cart for a basic e-commerce setup. So easy to do and works great! It would be nice to implement into Perch as an app. It is way better then perch shop.

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    Public API

    Rest API

    If we had news to share then we would share it. We aren't at a point where we can right now, so we haven't. You can rest assured that as soon as we can we will.

    We can keep posting "no news yet", but that's just going to make noise. So assume no news yet until news is posted :)


    That’s great and all but the community needs a better reply then that. We are Devs that have built our business on your product. We deserve to know it’s future and have timely updates unless you want us to stop buying licenses and let it die.

    There are only two ways forward I see and those are either you are selling or you will open source it.

    Over a year since update and little to no response on support requests are unacceptable. We deserve better. I appreciate the work you all have put in and use Perch everyday but we need better reply’s and updates.

    Thank you.

    Respectfully, Jonathan Hazelwood

    I've just put out a 3.1.7 release fixing what I hope is the last of any PHP 7.4 compatibility issues that have been reported. I've also addressed an issue for MySQL 8.0.4 and up that was flagged.

    I've been looking as to how I can accelerate the progress of Perch 4, and one of the main stumbling blocks is the promised user interface refresh. If I can scale that back then a lot more can be shipped a lot quicker.

    drewm take a look at the admin style by Jay George

    That is a great starting point/approach for now that makes it easy for developers to stylize the admin easily and get rid of the flashing when doing custom admin styles. I am one of many I'm sure from the community that would lend a hand at working on a new admin layout/style.

    Hey guys it would be really cool if the app included the requisite schema for the star ratings. Each individual rating could have it's own schema. Then there could be a way for JSON schema to total everything at the top for the aggregate function to update automatically. I can't help with this project at the current time but it is definitely cool. Just a thought.


    I will discuss this with Jordin and see what we can do. I definitely want to include all of the SEO related tags that we can. If it is not in the initial release we could include it in a future update.

    Are you referring to this schema?…data-types/review-snippet

    Jordin and I started on project yesterday and we wanted to give the community a little update. We have a functional app currently and we are continuing to build it out and style all. Below is a screenshot of what we have so far, enjoy!

    Extra info - we are also looking at adding integration for the Perch Shop App so that customers can leave reviews for individual products, something that is currently missing.

    Drew can we get a shout out on the forum homepage or a dedicated spot on there somewhere?

    I have created a simple review type system on our company website.

    I wanted to get feedback if anyone would be interested in using a reviews app? It would include the normal things such as person, company, star rating, review as well as SEO specific data such as aggregate rating, etc. People could leave a review that would be moderated. If this is something that the community would be interested in and if other developers would like to help out, let me know.

    Is there any thought or already a solution someone may be working on to making some of the template engine easier to manage. Say through the use of "Handlebars" for example.

    It would be super useful to use and easier for newbies to master more quickly.

    1. <div class="entry">
    2.     <h1>
    3.         {{perch.pagetitle}}
    4.     </h1>
    5.     <div class="body">
    6.         {{perch.content}}
    7.     </div>
    8. </div>


    *Note - add the code to the ckeditor.config.js file. Use any name that you want as well.

    The following is the complete example for CKEDITOR 4.x :


    1. <textarea name="post_content" id="post_content" class="form-control"></textarea>


    1. CKEDITOR.replace('post_content', { allowedContent:true,
    2. });

    The above code will allow all tags in the editor.

    Read more about "allowed content" the CKEditor Docs at…tent_rules.html#debugging