Perch Forms have stopped working

  • Hi,

    I have an old website which has 8 Perch forms on it. I know these forms were working last February, as I had to update their config file to ensure that mails were sent via SMTP. This was due to an Outlook 365 spam issue. Now for some reason all forms on the website have stopped relaying emails anywhere. I have replaced the relay email address with my email (which is Gmail) and it still does not relay on the form messages. The form info is being collected on Perch, but it is just not relaying the info on.

    Nothing has been changed on the site, can anyone advise why this is happening?


    • Perch: 2.8.34, PHP: 7.2.34, MySQL: mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev - 20150407 - $Id: 3591daad22de08524295e1bd073aceeff11e6579 $, with PDO
    • Server OS: Linux, litespeed
    • Installed apps: content (2.8.34), assets (2.8.34), categories (2.8.34), perch_blog (5.0), perch_forms (1.8.3), perch_shop_foxycart (2.1)
    • App runtimes: <?php $apps_list = array( 'content', 'categories', 'perch_blog', 'perch_forms', 'perch_shop_foxycart' );
    • PERCH_LOGINPATH: /perch
    • PERCH_PATH: /home/topjockt/public_html/perch
    • PERCH_CORE: /home/topjockt/public_html/perch/core
    • PERCH_RESFILEPATH: /home/topjockt/public_html/perch/resources
    • Image manipulation: GD
    • PHP limits: Max upload 32M, Max POST 64M, Memory: 128M, Total max file upload: 32M
    • F1: 6a33f95eca3667f9e0c39bf5ca2980fe
    • Resource folder writeable: Yes
    • HTTP_HOST:
    • DOCUMENT_ROOT: /home/topjockt/public_html
    • REQUEST_URI: /perch/core/settings/diagnostics/
    • SCRIPT_NAME: /perch/core/settings/diagnostics/index.php

    Debug Message[1]SELECT u.*, r.* FROM perch2_users u, perch2_user_roles r WHERE u.roleID=r.roleID AND u.userEnabled=1 AND u.userID=1 AND u.userHash='796f9dc1de8e9a34591140d6d13267c6' LIMIT 1UPDATE perch2_users SET userHash='999669b320c169fae57507eb4f1ad6e1' WHERE userID='1'[79]SELECT p.privKey FROM perch2_user_privileges p[44]SELECT * FROM (SELECT DISTINCT settingID, settingValue, userID FROM perch2_settings WHERE userID=1 OR userID=0 ORDER BY userID DESC) AS settings GROUP BY settingID, settingValue, userID[8]SELECT * FROM perch2_forms[97]SELECT COUNT(*) AS qty FROM perch2_forms_responses WHERE formID=9 AND responseSpam=0[1]SELECT responseCreated FROM perch2_forms_responses WHERE formID=9 ORDER BY responseCreated DESC LIMIT 1[86]SELECT COUNT(*) AS qty FROM perch2_forms_responses WHERE formID=10 AND responseSpam=0[1]SELECT responseCreated FROM perch2_forms_responses WHERE formID=10 ORDER BY responseCreated DESC LIMIT 1[569]SELECT COUNT(*) AS qty FROM perch2_forms_responses WHERE formID=5 AND responseSpam=0[1]SELECT responseCreated FROM perch2_forms_responses WHERE formID=5 ORDER BY responseCreated DESC LIMIT 1[37]SELECT COUNT(*) AS qty FROM perch2_forms_responses WHERE formID=6 AND responseSpam=0[1]SELECT responseCreated FROM perch2_forms_responses WHERE formID=6 ORDER BY responseCreated DESC LIMIT 1[241]SELECT COUNT(*) AS qty FROM perch2_forms_responses WHERE formID=7 AND responseSpam=0[1]SELECT responseCreated FROM perch2_forms_responses WHERE formID=7 ORDER BY responseCreated DESC LIMIT 1[255]SELECT COUNT(*) AS qty FROM perch2_forms_responses WHERE formID=8 AND responseSpam=0[1]SELECT responseCreated FROM perch2_forms_responses WHERE formID=8 ORDER BY responseCreated DESC LIMIT 1[87]SELECT COUNT(*) AS qty FROM perch2_forms_responses WHERE formID=11 AND responseSpam=0[1]SELECT responseCreated FROM perch2_forms_responses WHERE formID=11 ORDER BY responseCreated DESC LIMIT 1[182]SELECT COUNT(*) AS qty FROM perch2_forms_responses WHERE formID=12 AND responseSpam=0[1]SELECT responseCreated FROM perch2_forms_responses WHERE formID=12 ORDER BY responseCreated DESC LIMIT 1Queries: 22Memory: 2.0097

  • Hi,

    Because it's SMTP, I have input in the latest working password to the config file and can confirm by diagnostics that Perch is able to communicate to a test email address. However no matter what mail hosting I use as a forms receiver, whether it be Outlook 365 or Gmail, the form emails simply don't arrive. I also checked in Junk/Spam folders and there is nothing there?

  • Hello again,

    I finally got this working only to unearth a new problem. In Perch Forms in the form setting options for sending email we are setting it up in such a way that when the business receives the web form query, they reply to the email who made the form request.

    However as we are now using SMTP it looks like this rule is being overwritten and instead the form is effectively emailing itself i.e. form is enquiries@topjock and the form recipient is enquiries@topjock. Can somebody advise if this is normal behaviour when using SMTP?