Posts by seoMatt

    Lee Excellent work I really like restaurant animation and layout. The tutor site has really nice icons that appear to be hand done. Congratulations on using Perch. We are all pretty partial to it around here :)

    If you are considering SSL certificates you might consider Let's Encrypt or Cloudflare. I've used both, but I'm partial to Cloudflare as long as you set up your caching correctly so you don't have to ever purge pages it is a slick way to go and adds several performance benefits. Well I should say those performance benefits are definitely here so you would have to do your own testing across the pond.


    I could be off but over the last few months I noticed that Wordpress has added "blocks" to structure blog posts. Yes I do have some clients that still utilize Wordpress so I'm forced to be at least acquainted with the system.

    I've been posting some blogs for clients and I noticed Wordpress is trying to not use a WYSIWYG editor and they are moving to more of a structured set up. At least that is what the latest iteration of Wordpress appears to be to me. I just find it interesting. It might be they like the Perch approach to structured data?

    I was making adjustments to the YouTube field type to get these changes done automatically. However, using Hussein's method above is cleaner. So I would use his code from above. I utilize the below code as a block so people can add video whenever they like in the main body of the page.

    1. <iframe class="lazy" data-src='<perch:content id="video" type="youtube" output="youtubeID">'></iframe>

    Next at the bottom of your page where your scripts are put in the scripting for the lazy load. There are many options but I use this and it works fine.

    1. <script src="/_scripts/lazyload.min.js"></script>
    2. <script>
    3. (function () {
    4. new LazyLoad({
    5. elements_selector: ".lazy"
    6. });
    7. }());
    8. </script>

    Once you do that you are set to go with lazy loading videos, iframes or images on your page. All you have to do at that point is change src to data-src and add a class of lazy to the elements you are lazy loading. Keep in mind it only is productive to lazy load things that are farther down the page. Also your page won't clear validation with this method because we are using data-src instead of src. The speed benefits in my opinion far out weight the downside of not validating.

    I can't say for sure because I don't know what my clients do when inputting data. I don't teach them about undo, therefore my assumption is that they would not use it. I know I don't use it for my projects.

    I completely agree with Ryan. Clive does a great job. Everyone should also consider dropping him a small donation because of the time and effort he puts into the newsletter. Thanks Clive I really enjoy every issue! :burd1peck:

    Correct that is exactly what I have now except I changed the YouTube field type to get it that result. I will have to look into your option I'm wondering if that will work for keeping the preview in Perch. Thanks Hussein

    Not sure if anyone is interested and I'm not sure if this is considered changing the source code. However, I have made a slight change to the Youtube fieldtype so it lazy loads. I utilize the following code for lazy loading

    Let me know if anyone is interested. Just by lazy loading the Youtube video and a couple of small SVG's in my footer my page load time got cut in more than half from mid 3 seconds to 1.5ish seconds.

    Hussein, I was being a bone head and left height out of the template and failed to actually check it. So yes it is funny how if you put the height into the template the error magically goes away. :huh:

    I'm trying to validate my page and I run into a slight snag while utilizing the YouTube FieldType. W3C says:

    • Error: Bad value NAN for attribute height on element iframe: Expected a digit but saw N instead.

    Everything is working properly on the page so not a huge deal but when I run it that is what I'm showing. I didn't know if it was something in the FieldType that isn't working properly or possibly it is something on my end. Any help would be appreciated. :burd1peck:

    Hey guys it would be really cool if the app included the requisite schema for the star ratings. Each individual rating could have it's own schema. Then there could be a way for JSON schema to total everything at the top for the aggregate function to update automatically. I can't help with this project at the current time but it is definitely cool. Just a thought.

    Jordin, I wanted to give you a heads up that I'm using tinify on a couple of projects and I really like how it is built into cron so it doesn't bog down on loading images. Thanks for doing this work.

    I like this concept because like you I don't really do much social media. I could see this being a pretty cool way for clients to communicate quickly on their website without doing a full blown blog post. Or even live blogging could be done with something like this. Just shorter byte sized pieces of info that are time stamped. I like the dashboard widget that I could type a quick post directly into the widget. That would be really cool and fast. I believe there is also some sort of integration with webmentions, but I would have to look into that I didn't read everything more of a quick scanning.

    I am interested in developing something like this, but currently I'm digging out of saying yes to too many projects without leaving myself the requisite amount of time. Also to be fair I'm a beginner from a development standpoint. I have worked with some API's and written a couple of small PHP integrations but I haven't ever done anything for Perch so this will have a learning curve for me. I'm open, but I want you to be aware of my limitations prior to moving forward. :/:burd1:

    John, I've had similar weird one off issues with GoDaddy. I will say that the engineers behind the scenes have really done a nice job with the performance of their servers over the last few years. 3 years ago I would have avoided GoDaddy like the plague but they have drastically improved in regards to my speed testing. I would say for shared hosting environments they are on probably better than most of the other guys on the market. This is of course U.S. based testing so I'm not speaking to anything else.


    I'm wondering if it is to keep all of his online type activity "self-contained" so he doesn't have to go to a different platform. It is an interesting concept to not using other big social media platforms. Social Media without having to have all your data mined seems to be the point. If I'm thinking of this correctly you would have to build an addon that could communicate both downhill and upstream so when you logged into Perch you would receive the activity of other members of as well. One use case might be having a small business that needs to post an update like "We are closed today due to Heavy Snow" which would go to the channel and also post on the website. This would make it so you don't have to create a full fledged blog for short announcement type stuff.

    David That is interesting, but it appears that is another platform that people would use similar to Twitter but without the character limitations? There would need to be an API that would allow Perch to connect to and it doesn't appear that they are that far along in the project unless I'm missing something.

    Interesting article thanks for passing it on. I do a lot of my own testing in my environment so I was wondering if anyone else had any sage advice. I get tired of optimizing and testing at the end of a project

    Drew is correct. I did not make it so there was a forced page reload once the website dropped under 767px. I had it in the file originally but opted against it. I really think the only people that take browser windows and re-size are web developers. Maybe that should have have been a question that I asked if people thought I should force the page to reload upon browser window re-size?